English Garden Project Makes Slow Progress

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English Garden Tunnel Project Makes Slow But Steady Progress

MUNICH -- (MunichNOW News) -- The tunnel project underneath the English Garden has been a discussion topic among Munich’s politicians and citizens for almost five years now. In order to move things along supports of the tunnel have now set up an information stand with a 3D model of the tunnel in the English Garden hoping that Munich’ citizens will approve of their project once they understand the details.

The SPD has already declared their support for the €70 million project, calling it a project without any alternative, as the only way to to avoid the tunnel would be to expand the Mittlerer Ring, on the surface, through the English Garden. The main argument for the tunnel is the minimization of traffic going through the English Garden and an expansion of the Mittlerer Ring would only make matters worse, according to the SPD.

The idea of a tram going through the English Garden instead of the tunnel, as proposed by the Grünen doesn´t seem like a sensible alternative either to the SPD. Most of the traffic is caused by people going to or coming from work and it´s not possible to redirect all of this traffic onto the tram system. Additionally one does not build tram tracks through the English Garden, the SPD says referring to the aesthetic aspect of the idea.

The city has yet to decide whether or not they will permit this project and the decision is to be expected by the end of this fall.

Video in German
EG 22


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