English: Frauenkirche (Church of Our Blessed Lady) in Munich, Germany, as viewed from the tower of Peter’s Church. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 24-105mm f/4L IS lens. Deutsch: Die Frauenkirche in München von der Peterskirche aus gesehen (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10 Reasons to Love Munich
Lavish architecture is on display throughout Munich, and the Residenz is no exception. For more than 400 years, this complex of buildings served as the royal palace of Bavarian dukes, electors, and kings. One of the highlights of the complex is the Renaissance Hall, which was built by the 16th-century duke Albert V to house his collection of Greek and Roman antiquities.
English: The Nymphenburg Palace (German: Schloss Nymphenburg) is a Baroque palace in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. The palace was the summer residence of the rulers of Bavaria. Deutsch: Das Schloss Nymphenburg in München gilt aufgrund seiner einzigartigen Komposition von Bauwerk und Parkanlage als eines der schönsten Schlösser weltweit. Français : Le Palais Nymphenburg est un château baroque situé à Munich, en Bavière (Allemagne). Ce palais était la résidence d’été des monarques de Bavière. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)