MUNICH — (MunichNOW Life) — We are a small Indian family living in Munich for almost 8 years.
We love this beautiful city which has welcomed various cultures and amalgamated them into a magnificent new. Life was pretty much safe and beautiful until we came to know about the Covid- 19 virus. For our small family, this Covid -19 phase started with mixed feelings of inhibition, doubt, and anxiety.

With two young kids at home (one 1.5 years old and another 10 years old) we could see the challenge we had in front of us. The fear of running out of patience, the fear that the kids shall not be having a healthy routine by having no social contact as they have had in their school and krippe (pre-school), posed so many doubts in our mind.
After the initial few days of confusion and brain monologues, things started to fall in place. And it all happened considerably with one key feeling that is the feeling of acceptance. After all, life is not what we plan and think it would be. Life is like a flowing river where we sometimes have rough gushes of water and sometimes a smooth flow.

The daily growing count of Covid -19 infection was dynamically changing in the month of March 2020. Leaving behind our fears we thought to accept it and live in peace with this fact. We did not want this deprecation to impact our young kids.
One thing that abetted us more than any other was the practice of yoga and meditation. It has been weeks now and our day starts with an alleviating one-hour session of yoga. Not only it kept us physically flexible but also it kept us mentally agile. That feeling of calmness within and storm outside can be achieved by practicing the physical activity in the form of yoga. It also generated a feeling of positivity with so many news flowing in around the globe about this Covid pandemic.
Staying positive also helped us in this strenuous time. We tried to indulge in activities that interested our two beautiful daughters. Initially, it was very tedious as the mental frequency was working at different levels. But by little push we, I and my husband, realized this was an overly delightful experience. From a simple task of painting a rainbow to reading a book all over again made us realize the wonderful moments of positivity which otherwise go unnoticed in a busy life.
Cooking together also served as a great stress buster. It made us hugely thankful for the things readily available to us. The kids now wait for the cooking time. One surprising thing that I have experienced is that kids are very open to talking when they are cooking with you or helping you in the kitchen. The happenings of their small lives and the beautiful stories of their school life and friends which otherwise they never share or we do not have time to listen come out of their mouth so easily. That clearly indicates that kids love a pleasant atmosphere and they are such a friendly soul to open up and share.
Almost 9-10 weeks have passed since the Covid -19 stay at home phase began. I am seeing life completely from another perspective. I have lived an extremely simple routine during this stay at home phase where I do not feel the need to use my Instagram or other social media sites. I have realized that it is more important to stay connected with yourself than anyone else. It has taught me to live in the moment and sink deep into it before this fleeting moment passes unnoticed.

A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation can help us sail through this difficult time. Indulging in small activities like reading to painting or cooking and staying real to oneself will help us more than any other thing. I have now accepted this reality of living with this Covid-19 virus until some cure is invented and that too peacefully with a calm heart. This harsh reality has made me realize the power of positive thinking which pushed me hard to see the other side of life and the other side is beautiful.