|Sunday, September 15, 2013
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Munich Irish Rovers - Join Now! 


With the hype surrounding the new football season bubbling over and the sun beaming more regularly than ever before in the calendar year, the nostalgic desire to lace up some boots and kick a ball around could hardly be greater.

If the park has stopped being your Bernabeu and training is something you might actually look forward to, then the Munich Irish Rovers are worth considering. Although the heights of Real Madrid are certainly one step too far, the only English-speaking football club in Munich does offer both a chance to play regularly as well as meet new people from all over the world.

The Rovers 1st team pre-match at the end of last season.

Being an expat team anywhere in the world means balancing the constant stream of new faces can be quite difficult. People are moving more than ever and that makes it hard to have similar faces around all the time. Whether you can around for six months or a year, the club are constantly on lookout for new players.

This week, the club have launched a trial week with two training sessions (next one on Friday 12th), including a friendly game on the weekend. So if watching Bayern on television isn’t enough and your urge to curl in a 30-yarder is starting to get the better of you, then be sure to head down.

More information can be found on the club’s website.

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One Response to Munich Irish Rovers - Join Now!

  1. Greg Sach

    Great article about my favourite football club.


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